Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Devil's Trill Sonata

I fall in love with some music works only for their background story. And if the piece sounds gorgeous too – even better!

One of the music compositions that drew my attention in this sense was the sonata composed by Giuseppe Tartini – “Il trillo del diavolo”, which is translated from Italian as “Devil’s Trill”. We know that many composers (as well as mathematicians, scientists etc.) sometimes saw some useful clue or even their work-of-a-lifetime while sleeping. That’s what (almost) happened to Giuseppe. One night Devil himself showed up in his dream (he came for his soul, composer said) and started playing violin. The melody was so beautiful and breathtaking that Tartini was fully encaptured by it. The morning he woke up the first thing to do was grab some paper and try to save what’s was still playing in his head.

As a result we now have a beautiful music composition for violin and piano now. Tartini humbly mentioned that what he made is only a vague reminder of the powerful music he heard in his dream. But in memory of that night, he decided to call his music work a “Devil's Trill Sonata”.

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